6 Quotes & Sayings By Barry Marshall

Born in September 1942, Barry Marshall is a medical researcher, best known for his discovery of the cause of ulcerative colitis, which he published in 1979. He was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 2005 for this contribution.

The 20th-century ulcer epidemic was a sign of good health in American people - good diet, strong acidity and healthy immune response actually make ulcers more likely. That's why businessmen eating giant T-bone steaks were prone to ulcers. Barry Marshall
In medical school, it's quite possible to get taught that you can diagnose everybody and treat everything. But then you get out in the real world and find that for most patients walking through your door, you have no idea what's causing their symptoms. Barry Marshall
Dad always explained the car engine when he repaired it, and he had many technical books, so I was making electromagnets by age eight as well as reading my mother's medical and nursing books. I suspect I was born with a boundless curiosity, and this was encouraged through my childhood. Barry Marshall
In high school I had B's and C's, not too many A's, but I must have done well on that medical school test, and I must have had some charisma in the interview, so I ended up in medicine. Being a general practitioner was all I aspired to. Barry Marshall
The politics have always been difficult in medicine. There is some truth in the way medical practice is portrayed in TV dramas. Barry Marshall